The Carlingford Netball Club uniform consists of:
Carlingford Jade Green & Navy Blue Dress
Carlingford Jade Green & Navy Blue Short Sleeve
Boyleg Briefs/Pants Navy
Black Playing Shorts or Leggings
Carlingford Socks
New Dress and Shirt orders must be purchased by Friday February 16. Players must have the playing uniform in preparation for Round 1, commencing May 2 & 3.
Carlingford Netball Club encourages players to purchase the following new or second hand additional uniform items:
Carlingford Navy Jacket
Carlingford Blue/Green Hair Ties
Uniforms can be purchased through our new supplier or by email to carlonetball@gmail.com.
A limited number of second hand uniform items will also be advertised at our PlayHQ registration page or through Our Uniform page, in addition to posts found within our Annual Second Hand Uniform post on the Carlingford Netball Club Facebook Page.
For all competition games, Hills District Netball Association requires the consistent use of the club uniform for each team.
Low cut socks or socks with logos are not permitted.
All jewellery (including body piercings) must be removed before taking the court and fingernails must be short and filed.
Please consider getting new piercings after the netball season ends as Umpires cannot allow players with any type of jewellery on court.